lundi 8 novembre 2010

Brand new campaign for 2011 - The World Walks for Water

It's an exciting moment for us, as we unveil our World Water Day campaign for 2011!
The World Walks for Water is a campaign launched to press governments to take crucial action needed to end the water and sanitation crisis.

This crisis sees women walk 40 billion hours per year carrying water weighing 18 kg which is still not safe to drink. It causes death, disease, missed educations and missed lives.

Last year our big campaign moment was the World's Longest Toilet Queue which saw 100,000 people involved in an amazing 80 countries. They made a stand ahead of a key meeting in Washington DC of developing and developed country governments who made commitments to make a difference. Like the effort of Burkina Faso's government which announced no new home in the country would be built without a toilet from then on.

But there is more to do. The World Walks for Water will mobilise more people in more countries and send a clear message to governments ahead of two crucial meetings in Africa and South Asia where politicians those regions and from rich countries will make firm commitments following on from Washington DC.

How can you get involved?
We've made it as easy as possible.

We want to stand in solidarity with the women and children forced to walk such long distances and hours just to find water. So we're asking you to either organise, or join, a 6 km walk on World Water Day 2011, from 19-22 March 2011.

Register your walk on the website, (which is just in beta version for a week as we want your feedback! You'll be able to register and find walks in a couple of weeks).

And then have fun! We want you to use your walks to make noise and get attention. So dress up, invite the media, do something outrageous and above all - make it political.

Making it political
This means contributing to the global pressure we'll place on governments to deliver water and sanitation to the poorest in the world.

And you can do it in so many ways - invite your local politician, even your prime minister or President to walk with you. Invite the media and tell them about the crisis. Get all the people who walk with you to sign a petition and send it through to us. Gather a photo petition!

Everyone is welcomeWe want this to be a truly global action. With walks springing up in London, Delhi, Kampala, Cape Town, Nairobi, Singapore and Washington DC we can truly make a global stand.

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