lundi 8 novembre 2010

A day of Blog Action!

Wow! What an exciting and inspiring day it’s been – with bloggers around the world ensuring that the debate around the water and sanitation crisis is given a really high profile with an amazing Blog Action Day! This day of action has meant lots of different audiences are given the chance to join in a global conversation about the need to End Water Poverty.
There are simply too many to mention them all, but a quick round up of some of the posts from today….
The UK Secretary of State for International Development, Andrew Mitchell joined in a day of blogging on the DFID Blog, posting about the need to raise the profile of water and sanitation issues, particularly through Sanitation and Water for All initiative (SWA).
The UK Foreign Office posting a number of blogs throughout the day, and the British Medical Journal posted on the need to provide extra funding for sanitation if we want to see the Millennium Development Goals achieved. The Freshwater Action Network (FAN) blogged on recent developments on the right to water and sanitation, and called people in the UK to action.
And even more happened worldwide: End Water Poverty members around the globe got involved, check out Tearfund, WaterAid, Ryan's Well,, CARE, Oxfam, Action Against Hunger for starters. And even the US State Department joined in!
We also saw the issues profiled in a number of prominent UK political blogs, including Left Foot Forward, Political Dynamite, Political Scrapbook and Labour List.
One of the great outcomes of the day was reaching a wide range of different audiences, hopefully sparking some discussion of water and poverty issues outside of NGOs already engaged in campaigning on these issues.
Thanks so much to everyone that’s got involved today both posting at spreading the message on twitter, (#BAD2010 and #BAD10) it’s been great and we look forward to reading every single one of the posts!
And if you posted on the day, do let us know so we get the chance to read it!

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